Today was a long one as we passed from New Brunswick into Nova Scotia. It was long for a couple of reasons. The first was that our destination was one of a few campgrounds in the area. It was 130 km from last night's stop. Shortly after starting this morning, I took a wrong turn and added 10 km to today's ride. Then, as we were getting close to our chosen campground, we were looking at the distance to the next campground.
I was feeling up to it so we went the extra distance, thus making it a 155 km day.
The day was supposed to have fairly stiff headwinds and they were in the morning but later in the day the winds were not as bad. After having a rest day yesterday, I seemed to have quite a bit of energy today.
The route today was quite flat until the last 40 km or so. It ran mostly near the coast and the various bays that are a major feature of the coastline here. It was all quite beautiful and ranks up there as one of the most picturesque rides of the entire trip.
Cellphone coverage was not good for a lot of the trip so Rochelle and I met up at least 4 times during the day. We ate lunch in front of the Tidnish Bridge Art Gallery and after lunch spent some time in there looking at the art and talking to some of the artists.
I am feeling pretty good given the distance and morning winds. The longer day today makes tomorrow's ride to Antigonish a much shorter 95 km!
You know when you are in Nova Scotia when....
Last night's campground was a 2-night stay. It was interesting to watch it change from a very active and loud campground to being half empty and the other half abandoned (seasonal campers). Tonight's campground seems to have about 4 other groups in it although it is quite full of seasonal RVs. I think it will be much more quite in campgrounds from here on out.