This post is a day late but just pretend you were reading it yesterday!
I got a reasonably early start on a short day. I had some nice tail winds so the 82km was completed in a little over 3 hours of peddling. I was done and waiting for Rochelle in Bancroft by 1pm. The route was on a road that had constantly changing shoulders and there was a lot of weekend cottage traffic. I had to be really careful.
The rolling hills continued and there were several fairly large climbs (and quite a number of high speed down hill sections too!) The scenery was some of the best that I have seen since leaving the Rockies.
We stopped in Bancroft for lunch but continued in VanGo further north to visit relatives on a really nice lake. I forgot to take any pictures while we were there but it was great lake and we swam in it for a while. It was just cool enough to deal with the heat of the day.
The reason why we drove part of the way is that we expect to come back to Bancroft and continue the ride east. In essence, this detour was not part of the bicycle ride.
Oh, and I just had to throw in this picture of "Carter", a Golden Doodle, in Ajax.