It was a tough day today. I had cross winds that started light and built throughout the day. Sometimes they were slightly tail winds, sometimes more of a head wind but mostly directly from the right (south). Although it started out threatening to rain, it turned into a sunny, hot and somewhat humid day. If it wasn't for the wind, it would have been really hot.
I had a constant escort for most of the day. At almost all times there was what I think was a red winged blackbird hovering over me. They would launch themselves out of the tall grass along the side of the road 20 to 50 meters ahead of me and swoop over me for 100 to 200 meters of my trip and then double back to where they came from. I assume this was to protect a nest. When I would stop, there was usually one of these birds that would constantly swoop near me to get my attention and then fly away, watching to see if I would follow. I think it was trying to lure me away from a nest. It wasn't unusual for me to see 3 or 4 shadows of these birds keeping pace with me at any one time. I have seen this behaviour over the last couple of days but today was much more frequent.
I saw this driving range with a lot of Canadian flags very much in the middle of nowhere. When I took the picture, I had not idea what it was but I figured I should capture it.
I think that when I arrived at the KOA campground after 5.5 hours of cycling, I was more exhausted than at the end of any previous day. I'm quite happy that tomorrow is a rest day.
The campground must have flooded this spring. All the trees and buildings have a well-defined water line.
We are just 10 km west of Winnipeg. We have a number of things to do in Winnipeg tomorrow so it's not so much restful as a break from cycling. After that, we start heading south into Minnesota.